(10 pts) Post at least one response to at least one topic/ question:
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(this is a 15% weighted assignment)

Wednesday, February 5, 2014

A Degenerating Generation

   Too many of America’s Children are lazy, spoiled, and selfish, and need in more control than their parents…   “… Laziness, sloppiness, indiscipline, selfishness and general piggery, which are the natural talents of children and were once slapped out of them, now became either crimes of the parents or sickness in the children, who would far rather be sick than disciplined."  In fact, these kinds of families are offered a television show contract.. 

 How does this end up being such an epidemic in American society?  How is America to blame?  Do you know anyone who falls into this category? (please use a fake name)  Are all of America's children like this?  Why not?


  1. The only reason kids now a days act the way they act is because of the parents not putting the effort and time to teach their kids what is right and what is wrong, and not giving them discipline they need

    1. What kind of discipline's are suggesting for kids?

    2. If kids think they will get away with it then they will do it

    3. So it is the parent's fault for not being strict enough.. I agree, but what about the fear of being called on by Children's Services, or worse, arrested and taken away to trial for "abusing their children"? Many parents fear the consequences as the rights of the children that were intended to help them and protect them, are now being used as weapons against parents!!

    4. True, and I also think that the law has a big effect on how they treat their kids because it comes down to getting arrested for smacking your kid when they deserve it or let your kids walk all over you. No one wants to get arrested so they choose to let it slide.

  2. This ended up being such an epidemic when we discovered technology, such as phones and t.v. We’ve evolved from what we used to be into this spoiled and foolish country where you’re not “cool” if you don’t have the latest iPhone or the newest gaming system. We are controlled by a network of fast food corporations and television. It truly sickens me that people can’t even get up off of the couch to do anything anymore. Ever since we have invented t.v, phones, and computers, we’ve been going downhill, mainly because we’ve spoiled ourselves with these things. If technology didn’t exist, or wasn’t as important nowadays, we’d be better off. People would listen and pay attention more often, we wouldn’t have obesity problems because people would walk places instead of drive or take the bus, and we’d be more disciplined because instead of having our phones taken away, we’d get yelled at or something. I know many people who fall under this category. They get to do whatever they want because their parents have given up on disciplining them, because they just go and do whatever they want anyways. I honestly feel that, in many cases, the parents are to blame for the ignorance of their children.

    1. But you can't say that this is happening because of technology.

    2. It's a huge contribution to the cause, though. It's your fault.

    3. It is explained above.. But as to how it is "your" fault in particular, I do not know

  3. This is true because some parents just don’t care and also your not aloud to beat your kids. This makes them not learn anything. If my mom and dad never corrected me when I was little I would be a horrible kid. Why can’t parents correct their kids how they want to now a days? Its their kid why cant they do what they want with them?

    1. I totally agree with you because, Parents are supposed to give the their child manners and discipline them when they do something unacceptable. Now adays I feel that parents can't even yell at their kids without being looked at other people thinking they're bad people let alone spanking them when they're little.

    2. There's a fine line between beating your kids and hitting them. Beating, is an often thing. I, honestly, think that hitting your child should be legal in some cases. Per say, if your child gets suspended. They deserve to get smacked, but if the kid doesn't deserve more than that. If the parents continuously hit them every day, it's a different story.

    3. Yes some parents do take the hitting to the max and just hit to hit them. That is wrong, but the parents that smack to correct them is a different story because they are just trying to correct them.America don't look at it as correcting though you get looked at as a bad parent if you try to correct them or say something to them you have to be worried who is watching or listening.

  4. It’s true the parents are always to blame now. If your child is disobedient its the parents fault, that they don’t in force respect. If you choose to discipline your child it’s referred as ”child abuse” Either way the parent looks bad, and the child is helpless. Children aren’t born to know right and wrong. The parents job is to discipline the child. Parents aren’t hard enough on their children… warning after warning isn’t going to change anything. Parents need to show that respect and having manners is every important. As a child if i didn’t obey my parents i would lose things, get grounded, or sometimes even beat.

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. Another reason is the parents leave little things go that should be corrected. Like if a kid were to do something, some parents would think nothing of it, but parents really should correct it ASAP

    1. Maybe the little things are not important to them.

    2. Parents shouldn't always have to be correct their children. If parents put too much restriction on the child then the child will never to learn to fix themselves and end up as one people who doesn't really know what to do.

    3. Parents let the little things slide with their children until it increases and then complain they don't know why their children are so bad. Well maybe if you addressed the problem right away the problem would have been solved along time ago.

    4. Some parents do let a lot of things go that shouldn't be let go. Some parents like their kids talk to them any way they want or don't correct them for anything they do wrong. So I agree they should correct them asap.

  7. The case of children being spoiled in America wasn’t a common case before the 20th century. After all this behavior is being glorified in the media. Children shown as lazy and unmotivated are being put in movies and TV shows and are supposed to be “funny.” The parents to be blamed. They no longer strive to discipline their children unlike the old days. Also most children get what they want without working for it. This causes them to not know how to work hard for something. Parents need to present themselves as parents, not the children’s friends. After the children are the future of society.

  8. This whole thing with children being horribly nasty to their parents, took over the United States. America has made a law that you can not beat your children, and if so, you get arrested. There should be a difference between smacking your children and beating them so bad that marks are left on the body, internally and externally. America does not seem to understand that. They will arrest people for smacking their child on the butt. Thats not a horrible crime. If a child needs to be disciplined, it should. Of course not anything to where it leaves marks but, just enough to make them learn their lesson. Its better to do that when the child is younger. For example, a four year old child is hitting all these little kids for no reason. The parent and teacher has yelled at the child but nothing is working. So the parent gives the child a spanking. Then the child will learn his lesson because children do not want to be hit or come into contact with pain. I do know some people who talk horribly to their parents. I have heard some of my friends tell their mom to f**k off. No child should say to their parent. The sad thing was, it wasn't a joke. Not all children are like that, but most of America's children are.

    1. This person...she gets it

    2. Yeah and some parents don't care they will still hit there child and sometimes it helps with there respect.

    3. Some parents don't even try to correct their kids. When they are little is when it needs to be done the most because what you said they don't like the pain and if you try to correct them when they are like 16,17 it is not going to work because they feel like they don't have to listen.

  9. This becomes an epidemic because of the tv shows and all of the lawsuits come out in the past years.The tv shows display to the parents and children who watch them, oo it’s ok to talk back to my parents because people on tv are doing it and its alarming to the public when a parent spanks their kid or screams at them loudly .All in all society is changing the way kids talk to their parents and how parents discipline their kids.

  10. This is so true. Nowadays if a parent beats their child or even lays a hand on them they’re considered cruel. If I wasn’t disiplind as a child My attitude would be different, i’d propaly have less respect for adults.

    1. If a mother hit her child you would lose respect for the mother?

    2. Nowadays that how society is when they see you hitting a child.

    3. Children need discipline and limits. Parents should be able to punish accordingly, but NOT go over the line and make it abuse. A smack across the butt is totally different than beating a kid black and blue.

    4. I agree with these three people because parents should be able to hit there kids but if they leave marks that's when the law about beating your kids should help out.

  11. Most parents complain about how bad their children are, but they never want to do anything about it. Kids feed off of what they see on tv. If they see kids being rude to their parents or acting spoiled to get their way, then they’re going to start acting that way too. I have friends who yell and curse at their parents all the time. I ask them why they do that and they laugh and they’re parent(s) are stupid. I raised to show respect to my parents by answering them a certain way and I get questioned as to why I do that. I feel that kids only act this way because their parents don’t punish them for what they do.

    1. America in a nutshell.

    2. This is so true its like kids have no respect for older people or respect a all

    3. Parents should stop complaining and actually do something about it' or it will only get worse.

    4. Then you get picked on for having respect for your parent(s).

    5. I feel like if we were all raised the same there would be no bullying

    6. Well: @Soto.. It is a generational thing. It may be late for parents at this stage for them, but when you all become parents someday.. Imagine the change you can make!

    7. Picked on for respecting your parents? Whoaaahh What kind of friends are these people? At least I hope they are not..

  12. Parents should be on top of everything their kids do

    1. What if the parents are all ways working morning and nights just to pay the bills.

    2. GREAT Question! I believe this is an entirely new issue.. Perhaps the fat that parents are so desperate to work and financially care for their family, it leaves them absent to be able to morally care for them.. What a "catch 22"

  13. When i see one of my friends disrespecting their parents I can actually feel the beating my mother would give to me. After I would always tell my friends how could you treat your mother/ father like that? It’s so rude… after everything the parents do for their children and all they want to do is disrespect.? I don’t understand how they don’t feel horrible about curing to their parents.

    1. I do the same because I honestly could never disrespect my parents no matter how mad I am at them.

    2. That is exactly how I feel around my friends.

    3. Yea i don't understand how children and or teens disrespect there parents after everything they do for them. They make sure we don't go hungry, buy us clothes and have unconditional love for us. And just to see teens disrespect their parents get gets me so mad.

    4. Its makes me mad and then sad to see what this world is quickly coming to. I did community service at Marvine Elementary School and I heard and saw so many things that were wrong. I heard children cursing and talking about having a boyfriend/girlfriend. These young children are in ELEMENTARY SCHOOL, they shouldn't be talking about those types of things at their age. Honestly, I wanted to cry when I was there.

    5. At my job i always see parents let their children yell at them. I just sit back and think about how horrible it is. How can i child control a mother? It irritates me.

    6. Children shouldn't even know what a boyfriend/girlfriend is yet. The corruption of this generation is only getting worse, and we're going to keep going downhill until we fix this.

    7. But the blame can go both ways, it could be the child or the parent. The child could be respectful and the parent irresponsible and not properly caring for them.

  14. American children are bad in some ways, its the parents fault for that though because some parents just don't care about them. Like my friend she is really out of control because she gets everything and anything she wants to do, he parents don't care and that's how she has been her whole life its really sad in someways.

    1. THat would seriously make me very uncomfortable as her friend..

  15. Example:

    1. Just another mother not knowing how to do her job.

  16. I think if a parent sees a problem with their child, they should correct that problem.

    1. The worst though, is, seeing others not take care of it!!

  17. This becomes such a problem in american society because of how the kids act and treat their parents. They play video games, and watch tv shows that teach them how to do things that are bad and unhumane. They begin to treat people bad and are rude. Some parents dont care and dont want to deal with it so they dont punish their kids. They just get pushed around and their child is a spoiled brat. Some parents try to punish their kids and the kids dont care. Society today is just bad when it comes to kids and how they act and the things they like for entertainment.

  18. That its the parents that falls into the category because its how society is today and how they act with their kids because if parents just let their kid do want they want to do then that mean they are going to do bad stuff like drugs and stuff. That I know some one like that his mom and dad they care at all and he smokes K and he never comes home into like 1 and he come back high all the time and his mom dosent do nothing about and his dad smoke with him sometimes too. If his mom did care he wouldnt be doing all of that and that why kids do stuff more like that now because they dont care no more that is why if people are going to get blame it should be the parents that don’t care at all.


  19. This is very detriment to america because kids think they can do whatever. The reason why this is such an epidemic in american society is because parents let their kids do whatever they want, put whatever foods in their mouth. If kids were monitored correctly by their parents then this would not be a huge problem. If kids’ parents let them do whatever and not care then America will continue to get worse and worse every year. This has to get better. I know a person named Briana that is 12 and does whatever, eats, drinks whatever (not alcohol of course). But this person talks to her mother any kind of way and all her mother does is tell her that it isn’t right. On her birthday she received a DS lite and a bunch of things including a birthday cake but was disruptive in class the entire year. What type of message is that? That life is a place where u can talk however you want and still get things. That is also another problem that kids are bad but still get whatever. Most of the kids I see these days are not disciplined and have a potty mouth of an 40 year old drunk man. This has to stop and get better.

  20. This becomes a big problem because then it makes Americans look bad. America then puts it on tv and it’s just embarrassing. Like why show that on national tv. I know someone one who yells at there parents. Then when I say I want to leave she yells at her parents and starts blaming them. Then I say that she should be grateful and she yells at me and tells me this is how she gets what she wants.

    1. By showing these behaviors on tv it just shows kids that if they can do it so can I. I don't understand how making a show about horribly raised children is entertaining to anyone. I find it stupid.

  21. This is a problem because the government don't let the parents disciplined their children. Just because in their eyes is being abusive. The government don't see the difference between the two. I don't know anybody like that but i have seen kids being disrespectful to their parents.

    1. There is a huge difference between discipline and abuse.. i completely agree.

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

    3. I agree if your out in public and your kid does something wrong you cant yell at them or do anything about it because if other people see it, they take it the wrong way and think your abusing your children.

  22. Years ago when you would be able to hit a kid you would have the cops or protective services called but now a days if you sit you kid in time out or spank them they say that the are going to call the cops. America is to blame because we have companies making computers, televisions, iPhones, iPods, iPads, Galaxy phones, and other electronics which makes kids sit on their lazy butts watching the screens playing games like flappy bird or watch youtube videos or even things like watching shows or movies from netflix. The games are pointless and are not fun at all. Also people are saying that some games are fun but don’t care about what is going on around them because a couple of years ago there was a student that go hit by a car because they were texting someone. People's lives are around around their televisions, cell phones, computers, and other electronics. Then people ask if somebody knows a place where they are hiring people to work when they can’t put down the phone and go out to look for a job. So people need to go outside to have more fun instead of turning to electronics.

    1. I agree with this, because when kids say that "They're going to call the cops" On their own parents, that's basically a threat now in society now a days and I also agree that texting can be really distracting to teens these days and they can get injured by driving or even walking with their headphones in, without looking if a car is coming, and then BAM! There goes their life.

    2. Do you think that its only electronics making people lazy?

    3. I have to agree with Aslack, it isn't just electronics that are making kids this way.

    4. Some people aren't aloud to go outside.I know this girl that she's only aloud to go to school and come home.She is only aloud outside with her family.

  23. If the parents do not discipline the children at a young age when the bad behavior starts then it will never be fixed. The children will grow up thinking they can do anything they want with no consequences.

    1. That is not true, it doesn't have to be at a young age their behavior can get fixed whenever.

    2. I'm sure it would be easier to correct at a young age because they aren't used to a certain routine or disobeying. As they get older it would be harder to correct because they re used to not listening and doing whatever they want.


  25. This comment has been removed by the author.

  26. It depends on where the parents come from, where they have lived, and how they were educated. Its just that nowadays parents just go to ridiculous extremes to make their children happy. Simply just buying love and not giving. When kids are in Elementary school I think they should wait until there older to use the internet consider internet has a lot of questionable content, and its also highly addicting.

    1. I see young children complain saying that the mother doesn't love her child unless she buys them something. This is ridiculous!! I'm sure the mother loves her child more then anything but she shouldn't have to show her love by buying material things for her kids. So basically a mother doesn't love her child if she doesn't have money growing on tree's.

  27. The reason why this generation is failing is because the adults are feeding us crap. No, not food but through media, the examples they are to us and the way we live. Why aren't simple people leaders, meaning the world follows what famous people do. If Beyonce starts wearing mismatched shoes are the girls gonna follow her trend, maybe, because we don't think for ourselves. But why can't basic people, that go to school, eat crappy lunch and go on twitter for the whole night, be leaders? Because we suck! No one will take a stand and hidden leaders don't want to lead because they're afraid. Hell, I'm afraid of everything, but sometimes it doesn't stop me. The world says that they're just being themselves, I'm pretty sure it's not true,when you say my phone is my life, or I really am a pothead, we have a problem, like there is more than that, we just don't show it. I didn't reply to the questions but I wrote about why I feel why our generation is failing, which is what the top quote was sort of saying and if the readers find no connection to my writing and the topic that I was suppose to be writing, I don't care. This may speak to someone and if it doesn't, I needed to say it for myself.

    1. I completely agree with you.

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

    3. I agree with you to people are too weak nowadays

  28. In today society, all that it is important are technology. Want to know why? Well, because we all need a cell phone when there's an emergency or when you need to get a hold of someone, or when you're bored, there's games on your phone now. This affects us because we get too lazy easily, we don't want to go outside or do chores anymore, we're apparently a sloppy generation. America is to blame because it ruined most people's lives with the video games, texting and driving, meeting strangers online meeting up with them, then kidnap happens, screaming and yelling at a TV. People need to WAKE UP and do something with their lives instead of focusing on technology. My brother falls into this category because he's always on the video game 24/7 and he's graduated also, he's always screaming and yelling at the TV for no reason. It builds up young peoples anger and that can lead into bipolar issues or anger issues, and that's not healthy for anyone. Teenagers can have discipline once in awhile, but not all the time because the parents are just trying to get their children out of the laziness that technology did. If they don't get disciplined (My thoughts) they're gonna end up being disrespectful to their parents and then this will lead to fights, then the cops get into it, then jail time because teenagers can't do what their parents want them to do or won't listen to them.

    1. THese are the same parents for you too? If so, why are you so different than your brother?

  29. Part of the problem is the kids,because at times kids take advantage of their parents by talking to them in a certain way or doing certain actions toward them such as flipping them off when we should be glad that we have such people that care about us so much and we (talking about people in general) talk back to them with attitudes and curse them out.

    1. I strongly agree with this. I seen my friends that yell at there parents. They should be grateful because not everyone has both parents.

  30. Kids spend more time in front a TV than spending time in front of their parents. They also begin to believe everything they see on TV and mimic what they see as well. I think that contributes to the degenerating nation we're witnessing today.

    1. This is true they try the things they see on TV. They believe its okay to act that way then because people on TV do it.

